
Hydrotherapy is the use of water as a therapeutic agent, in any form, state or temperature. The term comes from the Greek Hydro (ύδρο-, water, Ancient Greek ὕδωρ, hýdor) and Therapia (θεραπία, healing). It is a discipline that is included in naturopathy, thalassotherapy, balneotherapy, physiotherapy, and medicine ( medical hydrology ) and is defined as the art and science of preventing and treating diseases and injuries through water.

In its different possibilities (pools, jets, baths, steams…), hydrotherapy is used as a tool for the treatment of various pathologies such as trauma, rheumatic diseases, digestive, respiratory or neurological diseases.

Concept of hydrotherapy

By definition, we should understand that hydrotherapy is “the science of procedures capable of modifying the state of the organism and that uses water as a direct intermediary. Its application is subject to precise indications, because just as it can have results with very healthy effects, it can be harmful or dangerous at some point if it is not treated carefully and there is no knowledge to apply it. It is also defined as a “natural healing system” in which water is used to treat, prevent, or cure any health problem or injury.

Source: Wikipedia

Ricardo Pereira

How does Reiki work, and what is the exact method?

The method of Reiki relies heavily on a practitioner’s intuition regarding what they believe their client needs. So, in other words, there is no strict protocol when it comes to performing Reiki. “It depends on how my client enters the room— if they are super anxious, I’ll start at their feet to ground them and

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Ricardo Pereira

5 Health benefits of reiki

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What is Reiki?

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