About Us

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Global Vision

World Association of Therapists is dedicated to providing professional services with the goal of alleviating part of human suffering and generating advances for well-being, through research and practices grounded in Integrative Medicines and International Protocols – the PIC’s (Complementary Practices in Integrative Medicine) -, created by contextual behavioral science, promulgated and referenced by the World Health Organization and other Institutions aimed at maintaining the Health and well-being of all.



Our Mission

The World Association of Therapists is an international community of academics, researchers, educators, and professionals who are involved in bringing about consciential improvement, generating the results necessary for the recovery of health and harmonization in all aspects:

  • Physical
  • Mental
  • Emotional
  • Spiritual
  • Dimensional

Our Values

The World Association of Therapists has a fundamental role in adding values and satisfactory results with health, where we work in an integrated, open, caring and generous manner, self-policing, non-discriminatory and generating mutual support among members and their federations.

Our mission is:
  • support a dynamic interaction between basic research and application;
  • disseminate knowledge directed to the aspects mentioned;
  • assist in the development of principles, theories and practical applications based on empirical knowledge and guided by the best available scientific evidence, both in conventional practices already accepted, and in the use of all integrative practices, proven efficient;
  • support all members who wish to participate in this work;
  • share updates on the knowledge and practices mentioned;
  • promptly update all members (associates) of all new evidence proven in the scientific and integrative sphere;
  • hold workshops and coordinated events for updates in order to benefit all associates;
  • have an independent Legal Conduct, to provide advice on the interventions linked to the above articles;
  • have their own space for the development of Professionalization and Training Courses at the levels: INTERMEDIATE AND GRADUATIONS
  • promote related therapies and their associates;
  • develop activities that integrate members of their Federations;
  • develop personal and interpersonal relationships with the Federations of Therapists of each State/Country/Territory;
  • promote integration with health-related institutions, in force at global level and necessary at regional level;
  • strengthen the relations between practices performed in conventional medicine and integrative medicine practices.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

It’s the World Organization of Therapists. Organization created to provide sustentation and integral support to professionals related to Therapies already considered efficient, as well as those that appear in the most varied modalities.

To provide services to Therapists, in the most diverse categories, with commitment and authenticity, valuing all professionals. Through Courses and Workshops, establish a line of qualified training, assisting in the expansion of their knowledge.

In any situation that arises as an impediment to your function, even with embarrassment when carrying out your activities, WOOT will be attentive and ready for the necessary resolutions. We have Legal, Professional and Therapeutic support aimed at maintaining your training based on the attributions, within the legal processes. WOOT always has a team prepared to meet your demand quickly.

After your membership, you will receive guidance on how to use all the immediate benefits, without any grace period.

As an associate member, you will receive, according to your registration format, a certain number of courses to attend during the period that you are an associate member, free of charge. Always consult the organization’s secretary, as well as the orientation booklets that are distributed.

Yes, the web radio can be accessed from any device, including that you can access the Organization in your region whenever you want, through the links directly on the Web radio.

No. Nothing can prevent you from canceling your subscription with WOOT. You will be recognized as a contributor during your stay with us. Along with the terms of admission, you will find guidelines on how to resign.No. Nothing can prevent you from canceling your subscription with WOOT. You will be recognized as a contributor during your stay with us. Along with the terms of admission, you will find guidelines on how to resign.

Yes, you will have the Courses released as soon as you upgrade your Membership. Each membership plan allows you to have access to the courses, maintained by the Organization.

WOOT will, besides the benefits already mentioned, give each new student a Credit Card (subject to approval) for their use. The value will be equal to the deposit you made when you registered. This delivery will be forwarded to you, to use as you wish.

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