Equino Therapy
Typically, Equine Therapy is one component of a comprehensive treatment plan, meant to complement conventional approaches appropriate for the specific situation. Equine therapy sessions should always be led by a certified Equine-Assisted therapist, who has received specialized training in equine therapy, as well as traditional training in the mental health field.
The interaction between horse and client often unlocks blocked emotions, allowing them to be processed and healed. Equine therapist Nancy Jarrell states, “I continue to marvel at how a horse can behave in a certain way that results in the presentation of a crucial issue for a client. It is as though the horse already knows the history.”
A recent article in Psychology Today discusses a number of ways people benefit from EAP:
• Increased trust
• Reduced anxiety
• Less feeling of depression and isolation
• Increased self-esteem, self-acceptance, and social skills
• Better impulse control
• Increased problem-solving skills
• Improved communication skills, including non-verbal
• Better understanding of healthy boundaries and the importance of assertiveness
• Learn to get outside own negative, self-absorbed thoughts and nurture another creature
Certain equine-assisted therapies are effective for children with cerebral palsy, behavioral tics, motor control issues, and coordination problems, and for people of any age with reduced mobility.
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