
Bioresonance or moratherapy is a pseudoscientific medical practice whose proponents purport to be an alternative method of diagnosing and treating disease. It is proposed that electromagnetic waves can be used to diagnose and treat human disease.

According to its proponents, every disease is associated with a supposed “biophysical-energetic imbalance”, and the treatment would consist in “restoring this balance”. As with other so-called alternative therapies , the description of how bioresonance works is unclear.

Its theoretical basis is that living matter emits its own electromagnetic waves, which in case of disease are altered from a hypothetical normal pattern.

Bioresonance therapy was invented in Germany in 1977 by Franz Morell and his son-in-law, the engineer Erich Rasche. The first bioresonance devices were marketed under the brand name “MORA-Therapie”. The word MORA is an acronym formed from the first syllable of their last names: MOrell and RAsche. Some of the devices contain an electronic circuit that measures the skin resistance, similar to the E-meter or electropsychometer used by Scientology; Franz Morell himself is connected to this organization.

A “biophysical-energetic imbalance” would correspond to every disease, and the bioresonant treatment consists in returning to the “energetic balance of the organism.”

The device, in “diagnostic mode”, would record these waves and currents, which would be used to diagnose anything from an allergy to a hormonal disorder. In “treatment mode” the electrical signals would be “normalized” as opposing waves by the instrument and returned to the body, which would thus be cured of its disease.

Proponents of moratherapy claim that it can cure asthma, osteoarthritis, and even cancer. However, according to a review of published scientific articles, no study has shown superior results in the group receiving the treatment compared to the control group, so its effectiveness is equal to that of a simple placebo, and its cost is higher.

Source: Wikipedia

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