Ozone Therapy

Ozone therapy is a type of alternative medicine without scientific proof that aims, among other objectives, to saturate the body with oxygen by inflating a mixture of oxygen and ozone into the body through various routes. Various methods are suggested to introduce the gas mixture into the body, the presumed benefits of this therapy include the treatment of various diseases including cancer, HIV, multiple sclerosis, among others.

There is no credible evidence in the peer-reviewed literature to support the use of ozone as a valid type of medical treatment. Although there are currently meta-analyses published in high impact indexed journals that confirm its usefulness for the treatment of lumbar disc herniation.

On the other hand, there is ample evidence that ozone is harmful to human and plant tissue. The U.S. Code of Federal Regulations dated April 1, 2016, in section a) states the following, but refers only to the respiratory tract: “Ozone is a toxic gas with no known medical applications; specific, adjuvant, or preventative. For ozone to be effective as a germicide, it must be present in a concentration far in excess of that safely tolerated by people and animals” (sic).

In the following sections, the code goes into much more detail about its harmful effects and considers ozone generators to be fraudulent and liable to confiscation if they are promoted for medical purposes or used in hospitals or other places occupied by patients, since their use for medical purposes devices is prohibited in the US. In the European Union , ozone generators for medical use are considered medical devices. In Spain they are II-b qualified and must have mandatory certification.

Medical ozone is produced from medical oxygen and consists of a mixture of a maximum of 5% ozone and 95% oxygen, as higher doses have been shown to be toxic to all tissues.

The total dose of ozone used is expressed in micrograms (μg) and is the equivalent of the volume of gas (mL) multiplied by the ozone concentration (μg/mL). In environmental studies, the unit part per million volume is used as the unit of measurement (ppm).

Source: Wikipedia

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