
Regression therapy focuses very specifically on past events and how they influence the way we behave in the present day. This is particularly relevant to those trying to overcome childhood abuse. Still, it can also apply to people who were subject to any abuse in relationships in the past.

This type of therapy involves hypnosis, which psychotherapists and hypnotherapists alike have researched. The need for hypnosis typically surrounds the fact that many practitioners believe that the subconscious mind can repress trauma if it was inflicted at an age before the mind could figure out how to process it. So the practitioners are typically trying to drum up memories through hypnosis.


Ricardo Pereira

How does Reiki work, and what is the exact method?

The method of Reiki relies heavily on a practitioner’s intuition regarding what they believe their client needs. So, in other words, there is no strict protocol when it comes to performing Reiki. “It depends on how my client enters the room— if they are super anxious, I’ll start at their feet to ground them and

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Ricardo Pereira

5 Health benefits of reiki

Relieves pain, anxiety, and fatigueAccording to a review of randomized trials, reiki may help to reduce pain and anxiety, though more research is needed. It may also help to reduce fatigue.A 2015 study found that people being treated for cancer who received distant reiki in addition to regular medical care had lower levels of pain,

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Ricardo Pereira

What is Reiki?

Although energy work and reiki is considered quiet popular many people still don’t know what it is…It’s like describing the sun to someone who has only ever lived in a cave. Words just won’t do it but take them out to the sunshine and there you have it – they feel that warmth and glow

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