What Crystals Are There For My Animal?

There are lots of different Crystals (and gems) that can be used with many animals.

These include the following:

• Amazonite – great for training young horses
• Aventurine – show nerves and fear
• Calcite – skeletal system
• Clear Quartz – strengthen immune system and increase vitality
• Emerald – nervousness and digestion
• Gold – for treating depression
• Herkimer diamond – stress
• Opal – there are different types, so use depending on what the need is
• plus many more……….!

Caring for Crystals

It’s important that crystals are cared for properly, with regular cleansing, re-nourishing and rebalancing. To do this there are a variety of options including:

• Soaking in salt water (preferably sea salt)
• Place in the moonlight
• Place in direct sunlight (the UV rays help to recharge)

How can you use crystals with your animal?

There are various ways that you can use crystals to help your animal, including the following:

• Place in your pet’s basket (obviously locating so as not to cause any discomfort when your pet lays down!);
• Hang from your horse’s headcollar or rug.
• Hold in your hand and locate your hand near the appropriate chakra on your animal.

As with many therapies (including aromatherapy), your animal will let you know if they’re finding it of benefit. You’ll know if the symptoms or ailment improves. Or if the crystal’s are causing discomfort your horse or pet may swish his or her tail, put their ears back, and look unhappy. So do stop using that particular crystal. But sometimes the crystals can have an intense effect which is only tolerable in short doses. Especially to begin with. A qualified therapist will recognise these signs and use the most appropriate crystals.

Please remember that as with any complementary therapy for your animal, crystal therapy should not be used to replace qualified Veterinary advice, diagnosis and treatment.

Source: https://www.taranet.co.uk/AnimalCareDirectory/Crystals%20for%20Animal%20Health/

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